Lioness of Judah

Lioness of Judah
"I'm just one of the members of the Lioness of Judah, the Bride of Christ"

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Death of Baseball

July 20, 2015

I dreamed of seeing a pompous and officious man wearing a very elaborate costume. He was quite self-important, which was only reinforced by the way he was idolized and applauded by the people who thronged around him as he danced and issued imperious orders.

The costume was an ancient, heathen style. It was reminiscent to me of Aztec and Mayan royal, ceremonial garb:  Lots of scarlet red and other brightly colored feathers, and precious metals, but not much visible fabric – the loincloth section, which was elaborately embroidered. The costume included feathered armbands and ankle-bands, and a spectacular headdress that must have extended near 3 feet from his head up and to the sides. It was worn on top of a large, human-type skull, which itself was worn over his head. The man’s face and hair were not visible, being completely covered by the skull.

The Lord made me understand that this man was in Argentina, and was the head of baseball there. I suppose this means he holds a position comparable to our Baseball Commissioner, but I was not given either his name or specific title. Therefore, I don’t know whether this dream applies to the person currently in that position or a future one.

As flamboyant as the costume was, the most riveting aspect of it to me was the skull. As I focused on and pondered over the skull, in my spirit I heard the words, “Death of baseball.” I knew that God was telling me He will very soon bring down every false God, not just baseball, and that this judgment is for the world, not just Argentina or America.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Wave upon Wave

November 20, 2014

This was my first dream of the night, recorded on November 20th last year. It is another confirmation of Linda Clay’s post on, Prophetic Dream: Supernatural Protection from Sudden Disaster.  

I was in the ocean, either standing on the ocean floor in water to my shoulders, or vertically floating, toes skimming the sand beneath.  The sea was quite calm. Suddenly the ocean began to change. Wave upon wave came from behind me with no warning, much faster than is natural, and each wave lifted me higher. For example, a three-foot swell had time to drop back only a foot on the far side before the next one hit, for a net gain of 2 feet. At first they were all swells, but the swells soon gave way to waves that crested. Each wave was bigger, taller, stronger than the one before. It didn’t take long before I was floating, still vertical, in 50 feet of water, looking up at a way-beyond-massive wave curling over my head that must have been at least 70 to 100 feet or more tall. (No measurement was given me in my dream, but as I wrote it down, the thought came that it was no more than 120 feet.)

It too came crashing down on top of my head, with enough force that by all rights I should have been pile-driven up to my neck into the ocean floor.  But even though this gargantuan wall of water crashed on top of me with a deafening roar, I was supernaturally lifted up within it to then ride the top of the wave, just as before the very first swell, and I was not hurt in the slightest. My hair didn’t even get wet. 

There were other people too, but they were not a focal point in my dream. I saw very few in the ocean, both before and during the swells and smaller waves, maybe up to 10 feet, before they were hidden from my view by the larger ones. They were not evil, not spirits. I was not distressed about them. In fact, I was not distressed at any time in the ocean; I was filled with supernatural peace. “We’ve got to get to shore!,” I called out to the people after the unusual tsunami had passed.

Then the scene changed, and I was indoors. I wondered if I had been deposited there by the wave, and I wondered if the house was underwater. Downstairs in a two-story home, I saw that something was happening with invisible force. There were other people with me there, too, and again they were not evil and not a focal point. Feeling urgency in my spirit, I saw dry sand burying the staircase that I stood near, as if sand was being brought in and deposited by invisible waves. I could not tell where the sand came from; it just kept getting higher and higher.

Although I didn’t see any of the people in the house, I called out to them, “We’ve got to go up!” I knew that some of them had been with me in the ocean, and others were already in the house before we got there. They had been relaxing and enjoying themselves on the TV sofa or in other pursuits, oblivious to the tidal wave danger outside. The downstairs level grew increasingly dark as the sand piled up, but the upstairs level was light. As I climbed up, over the shifting, sloping sand, pulling myself on the oak handrail as if pulling my legs out of quicksand, I woke up.

Interpretations, prophecies, and teaching

That November morning, I thought the dream meant that the Holy Spirit would lift me higher and higher in His power and new giftings. I didn’t think about it terribly much other than in awe and gratitude, and did not initially ask God for an interpretation. (That was dumb!! Always ask God for His interpretation, what He wants to say to you, and what He wants you to do about it.)

God has been prompting me to go through my journal and post things as He leads me. (Some will appear here and some at When I read Linda’s post in bed last night, the Spirit reminded me of this dream, and impressed on me to post it. It hadn’t crossed my mind much in six months, but last night I felt that He was telling me the ocean part of my dream has two interpretations, not one, with the second one being a declaration of God’s promise to keep His holy people safe supernaturally, even in impossible situations. (À la Psalm 91, and in confirmation of Linda’s dream.) 

And I now know that while my original interpretation was correct, it was incomplete. God has gifted His righteous ones with multiple gifts, to be activated or released at the opportune time. This dream was a prophecy for many people besides me. If you are born again, righteous, abide in the Secret Place, and have sometimes felt that God must have given you more than one spiritual gift – or you hoped that He would – ask Him again outright in prayer. Pray through 1 Corinthians 12:1-12, asking the Spirit to show you which ones of the nine are your gifts. Then scour the Bible for lessons on how to use them for the Kingdom. Bone up! The time is short, and you will soon have use of them if you don’t already.

The house part of the dream also has two interpretations. It is a caution that even though we will have God’s protection, we will also still have to act for ourselves – and others – in some situations. This will take wisdom and discernment as well as brawn and bravery if we are to be the overcomers and conquerors of Revelation chapters 2 and 3. Remember, He has given us a spirit not of fear or timidity, but of power or strength, of love, and a sound mind. 

The second interpretation is that of the symbolic. The sand – dry, not wet, and quickly rising – is representative of an hourglass, whose bottom half is rapidly filling. Time is almost out! The base level of the house – where most of the people were, incidentally – represents the base level of God’s people. It's that part of us that cares more about comfort and fun than things of the Spirit or being righteous. The upper level of the house – brightly illuminated – represents the spirit level of God’s righteous people, being called to by the Holy Spirit. 

The cloying aspects of the sand – like quicksand – are evil’s attempts to hold on to us and keep us trapped until we can be killed. The wooden handrail – providing the only way to reach the Light – symbolizes the secure cross of Christ, which was extended to each of us, as God Himself stretched to bridge the gap between He and we. We cannot free ourselves of the evil unless we firmly grasp ahold of it with both hands. No turning back. Those who can’t bother to stir themselves to make the difficult journey upward, preferring instead to enjoy their fleshly pleasures, will be left behind and consumed by the growing, spreading evil. 

Keep moving toward the Light!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Confirmation of Corrie Ten Boom's Warning

April 29, 2015, originally posted as a comment to an article by James Bailey on

This is interesting. I read this post


for the first time on April 27th. When I saw it, I was immediately taken by her photograph. Not because I’ve always wondered what she looked like, although I have. Rather, because for the previous three nights I had dreamed of seeing this picture as part of an article in print, like a news story. The formatting of the article varied, from one dream to another, in how many columns and where the picture was placed. I never read the dream article, and I don’t remember the headline(s). But it was this Exact photograph.

I feel that God wanted to make sure I paid attention when I read this (Bailey’s) article, because Corrie is right. God gave me His confirmation in advance.

Don’t misunderstand. I Wish a pre-trib rapture would happen. – Who in their right mind Wants to go through such difficulties?! – But that just is not the way God plans it. If we are Overcomers, there must be something for us to overcome. And it must be serious or God wouldn’t bother mentioning it.

Reread the letters to the churches in Revelation chapters 2 & 3 from the twin perspectives of which one(s) He could have written specifically to you, and of the problems He mentions occurring in the tribulation. Note that they all end with a promise – to him who overcomes (some translations use the word conquers) I will give… Every letter essentially ends this way, even the letter to the church in Philadelphia, the only church He did not chastise.

Be an overcomer in Christ! It is the only way you can.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

20 Minutes for Eternity

September 23, 2014

Sometimes when I am running errands or doing something else outdoors, God puts another person in my path. I usually try to take time to at least offer to pray for them. I keep nutrition bars and bottles of water in the car to give them if they are homeless or begging for handouts.

But sometimes this is inconvenient. I am in a hurry, and do not want to take the time to stop or get involved.

Thinking about this on September 23, 2014, God revealed to me that when the person is ready to be convicted by the Holy Spirit, it takes no more than twenty minutes of my time, and frequently much less. 20 minutes. Twenty minutes! How important is 20 minutes to me on any given day? At worst it means that I miss something. Or maybe just that I am late. Or maybe just that I have to work at a faster pace that day to make up the time. Twenty minutes. Not much, really.

But how important might that 20 minutes be to the other person? It might make their day. Perhaps God will give me a word for them that is significant to them, encouraging or enlightening. Or perhaps He will heal them, using His power of the Holy Spirit under the authority of the Name of Jesus Christ through my touch and annointing. Or best of all, maybe this person is ready to be convicted by the Spirit. Ready to give his life to Christ and receive His forgiveness, reconciliation, and eternal life, and all he needs is a few minutes for me to listen, pray, and share the gospel.

20 minutes. Twenty. Not much for me. But perhaps eternity for the other person.

Lord, help me to never be so selfish of my own time and agenda that I would refuse someone the opportunity to learn Your Truth, or receive Your healing, or be comforted, fed, encouraged, or loved. I make my plans, but You guide my steps. May Your Word be ever upon my lips. In Jesus' Name, Amen!